PORADNIK PODCASTERA #06: Absolutnie przełomowa wiadomość od Apple - Podcasts Connect

Dostałem dziś mail od Apple. To co w nim znalazłem zmusiło mnie do nagrania tego video. Wszyscy czekamy na jakieś poważne traktowanie od strony Apple (wszyscy podcasterzy). I zamiast choćby statystyk, dostajemy.... no właśnie, co?

Treść wiadomości od Apple Podcasts team

Hi Podcast Provider,

To improve your experience with podcasts, we've introduced the following updates and features: - Introducing Podcasts Connect - Resources and Help - Improved Provider Support - HTTPS Support

Introducing Podcasts Connect

Podcasts Connect is the primary place to manage your podcasts on the iTunes Store. Here you will be able to validate and submit podcasts to iTunes. You will also be able to manage availablity once your podcast has been approved.

Get started using Podcasts Connect.

Resources and Help

Best practices and guidelines for podcast submission are available in Resources and Help. If you need help getting your podcast on the iTunes Store, use Partner Search to find the Apple Podcast Hosting Partner who best fits your needs.

Find out more in Resources and Help.

Improved Support for Podcast Providers

If you've browsed Resources and Help and still can't find what you're looking for, we are available to help. To get in touch, use Contact Us in Resources and Help.

HTTPS Support

iTunes and the Podcasts app for iOS and tvOS now support HTTPS protocol for podcast metadata, cover art, and episode files. To enable cover art and streaming playback of your episodes, be sure your hosting server allows HTTP HEAD requests and has byte-range requests enabled.

If you have any additional questions or need help, let us know.


The Podcasts team

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